Ladies and Gentleman, fans of all ages, the wait is over. Your patience is finally being rewarded, An Adventure In Beets is back online!
I know, I know, I kind of left you hanging last year. But in my defense it was a crazy year. In August I quit my steady, insurance providing, paying job, took a mini vacation to Lake George and then started my own freelance film and video sound design business. The following months consisted of hustling for jobs, slight depression from the constant thoughts of "did I make the right decision", "omg, what the hell did I do", "I'm such a failure, wow I really suck", accompanied by insomnia and an unrelated but not too surprising diagnosis of a vitamin B12 deficiency (cause still yet to be determined). Soooooo, I let the blog fall by the wayside. I hope you can forgive me.
The good news is that I'm not a failure! I've been working very steadily and been incredibly busy, something that both Greg and I are very relieved about. My B12 deficiency is being treated and under control. I started playing volleyball again on a women's team with the best teammates I could have ever hoped for. Last month Greg and I took our first real vacation ever to St. John (breathtaking!), and I spent Memorial Day weekend in Las Vegas with my amazing crew of college friends. Needless to say, life is good! And it's about to get even better because the Harvest Astoria CSA starts tomorrow!
This year we've made some changes to our order. We decided not to get fruit. Mainly because we both felt like we couldn't handle the amount we received every week, but also because I really missed going out to the farmer's markets. We figured that we'll try a year without the fruit add-on to see how it goes. If we miss it that much we can always get it again next year. We've also decided to not get the yogurt. As much as we loved it we think ordering a large container at market days will be enough for us. We've definitely decided to stick with eggs and butter though. No way we're giving those up!
Also new this year, I've volunteered as the recipe coordinator for Harvest Astoria! Recipes on that site will be wholly original or extremely modified, whereas this blog will remain a mixture of my own recipes as well as those I've found and tested from other sources. If you're joining us from Harvest Astoria, welcome! As always, please feel free to submit ideas and suggestions in the comments section.
Can't wait for garlic scapes!