Thursday, July 21, 2011

Lake House Weekend

This weekend Greg and I spent 4 days at his family's house up at Lake George. I love weekends up there.

It was a mini-vacation filled with relaxation and good food. Here are some of the things I made:

This is a chocolate cake frosted with whipped cream (Cool Whip, whatever! I was on vacation). To add a farm share flair to it I pitted and chopped about a cup and a half of sweet and tart cherries, mixed it with whipped cream (cool whip) and used it as the middle filling. Special thanks to Linda Tang for giving me her amazing chocolate cake recipe. It's top secret though, so I can't share it...sorry :)

Two types of grilled pizza, one with tomato sauce, fresh mozzarella and garlic scapes (!) and the other with ricotta, dates and prosciutto. Greg's Mom made a salad from fresh greens from her garden, blueberries and a lemon maple dressing, which was delicious!

I spent most of the day Monday reading The Hobbit and in honor of that I had a delicious second breakfast of fruit salad. CSA tart cherries are hanging out with blueberries, watermelon and cantaloupe. Perfect for a scorching hot day.

Pickles are my favorite! These are refrigerator pickles, meaning they are preserved with vinegar and not salt (although i did add a lot of salt) This recipe is 1 c apple cider vinegar, 1/2 cup of white vinegar, 1/4 cup salt, 3 tbsp sugar and 1 1/2 c water simmered together until all salt and sugar is dissolved. Cut up the cucumbers and put them in the steralized jar along with 1 tbsp black peppercorns, 1 tbsp of mustard seed, 1 tbsp of dill seed and 1 tbsp of corriander seed. They are good to eat the next day and will last a couple weeks in the refrigerator, if they can make it that long.

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